Special Projects

OE Global forms strategic partnerships with other organizations who share common goals and aspirations. Collaboration is a fundamental principle of open education. We achieve more together than we do apart.

As part of OE Global’s Strategic Plan 2021-2030, it is committed to Value Co-creation – aligning with partners worldwide to build, advance, and expand the use of Open Education worldwide. With this in mind, OE Global continues to work with partners to develop and launch (or just support) key focuses that ensure a viable solid sustainable future for open education.

OEGlobal welcomes expressions of interest around partnering and collaboration at any time.  Below are the special projects OEGlobal has collaborated on over the years.

Current Value Co-Creations

Network of Open Organizations

Logo of the Network of Open Orgs

The Network of Open Orgs is an alliance of diverse organizations and leaders dedicated to expanding global access to knowledge. Established in 2019, the Network aims to support open education efforts across the globe. Inspired by the 2019 UNESCO OER Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER), The Network of Open Orgs seeks to support practitioners and their national governments to enable more effective implementations of OER by catalyzing collaboration on local, regional and global Open Education initiatives that require concerted, coordinated efforts among a broad range of stakeholders. Open Education Global coordinates the network and hosts monthly meetings open to all interested parties.

Open Education for a Better World

OE Global has been actively involved with the Open Education for a Better World Program (OE4BW) since January 2019. Initiated in 2018 by the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education and the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, OE4BW is an international online free mentoring program. It supports the development and implementation of OER about topics with a social impact and addresses one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Igor Lesko, from OE Global, was involved in a hub coordinating capacity guiding 12 projects and mentors from Africa, Europe, and Asia over 2019 and 2020. For more information, visit Open Education for a Better World.

Previous Value Co-Creations

UNESCO OER Recommendation

OE Global played an active role in drafting the UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Recommendation, which was unanimously adopted on November 25 by 193 UNESCO member states at the 40th UNESCO General Conference. OE Global sees this as a unique and important milestone offering a significant opportunity to advance open education worldwide. 

OE Global believes that the best way forward to ensure the successful global implementation of this recommendation is to join forces in a coalition. We see the benefits of a coalition as:

  • Showing through action how organizations supporting open education around the world can work together
  • Ensuring that each of our organizations does not duplicate efforts or offer separate, competing, redundant support
  • Distributing the effort to develop and deliver robust, comprehensive support across a coalition in such a way that we leverage our respective strengths and expertise
  • Ensuring that resources and services in support of the recommendation are high quality, comprehensive, and consistent across our organizations
  • Making it easier for our members and constituent stakeholders to clearly know who to get what support from by not offering separate and conflicting support
  • Signaling to governments, funders, and the global open education community that our organizations are working in a coordinated way to support the recommendation
  • Making it easier for funders to provide targeted funding by reducing the number of duplicate proposals they might get from each of us to do similar things

OE Global reached out to a trusted network of partners with an established track record of collaboratively working together. As a result of that outreach, an initial group of  founding partners was formed, including (in alphabetical order):

This coalition met and collectively developed an action plan in 2020, resulting in the Network of Open Organisations (see above). The focus of the coalition is on implementation support for the Recommendation’s five areas of action:

  1. Building the capacity of stakeholders to create, access, use, adapt and redistribute OER
  2. Developing a supportive policy
  3. Encouraging inclusive and equitable quality OER
  4. Nurturing the creation of sustainability models for OER
  5. Facilitating international cooperation
  6. Monitoring and reporting

Open Education Policy Forum

OE Global partnered with Centrum Cyfrowe in Warsaw, Poland, and SPARC USA to develop and host the Open Education Policy Forum. The forum’s goal is to involve participants in developing an open education policy for their institution, region, or country. Starting with a two-day workshop in Warsaw, Poland, in 2019, the participants worked on their policy which they presented during Open Education Week in March 2020. Open Policy Forum continued in 2020, 2021 and 2022. For more information and to get involved, visit Open Education Policy Forum.

Open EdTech

OE Global partnered with Moodle and other education technology organizations on a working conference for every one actively building the future of education on open technology. The event was the first of its kind and brought together open software projects, government education ministries, development organizations, academics, educational institutions, and users to work towards building a solid open-source technical infrastructure to support education in the decades ahead. The inaugural Open EdTech Global took place in Barcelona in 2019. It resulted in a set of 12 guiding principles and working areas, described in the Barcelona Open EdTech Global Blueprint.
For more information and to participate, visit Open EdTech Global.

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